SESSION details

Name: Docker Extensions: from 0 to 1 Million Installs

Date/time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Pacific Time


Docker Extensions lets you use third-party tools to expand Docker Desktop beyond its built-in functions. Docker Extensions exploded from 0 to 1M downloads in less than a year. We’ll explore the extensions in the marketplace created by partners and the community and see how they help developers in their day to day.

With the Extensions SDK, everyone can build their own tools to improve their developer workflows and share them with the community. In this talk, we'll build a new Extension from scratch and see all the capabilities users have for creating tools tailored to their use cases. We'll review the different technologies we can use to build an extension and use the best practices we recommend. We'll also submit the extension to the marketplace.

But that's not all! Join us for an exclusive sneak peek into our future plans. We'll unveil the awesome new stuff that's just around the corner. Don't miss out!