SESSION details

Name: Streamlining CI/CD with modern container builds

Date/time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Pacific Time


Streamlining CI/CD with modern container builds: Unlock the potential of efficient container-based CI/CD workflows using Docker's official GitHub Actions. Join us to explore best practices for blazing-fast builds, secure secrets management, simplified workflows with Docker Bake, and comprehensive container-based workflows. Discover how to automate tags, labels, and distributed builds using CI events while optimizing cache management for peak performance.

Key topics:

  • Cache management for lightning-fast builds: Dive into cache management best practices in CI/CD pipelines. Explore the benefits of cache exporters, such as GitHub Actions Cache backend, to drastically reduce build times and improve overall pipeline performance.
  • Mastering multi-platform image: Discover how to create optimized container images for different architectures, ensuring smooth deployment across diverse platforms. - Secure and efficient build strategies with secrets: How to securely integrate build-time secrets within your workflow.
  • Automating tags and labels: Learn effective strategies to manage and automate tags and labels based on CI events. Discover how to implement versioning consistency and improve image traceability (provenance, SBOM) seamlessly within your development process.
  • Distributed builds with Bake: Unleash the power of Bake to simplify your development workflows, reducing overhead in the CI pipeline and achieving greater portability between the inner loop and CI environments.
  • Comprehensive container-based workflows: explore the vast potential of building using containers in CI. How to perform code validation tasks such as linting, generating docs, running tests, and even outputting binaries to GitHub Releases – all within a containerized environment for consistent and reproducible results.